ZEO® Carbon Footprint certifications and Carbon Neutural box supply chain + Q&A

Background: CJCHT Group requires all supply chain companies involved to conduct carbon footprint analysis, and use “technology” to break the tie, by employment of ZEO® low carbon solutions to reduce energy and paper consumption, which has been highly recognized as one of the best sustainability projects by the customer and third party verifications. ZEO® corrugated supply chain is growing rapidly with more and more companies joined and supported. Come and help us bring your supply chain greener and more sustainable at almost no cost incurred.
1. ZEO® Carbon Footprint Analysis: ClearCarbon instructed by Wal Mart has conducted a simplified carbon footprint product analysis on the ZEO® corrugate box to understand the reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with box light-weighting, where a standardized Carbon Footprint Model and Data have been established and verified for further applications. Overall, the ZEO® Box compared to the average cardboard box saves a lot of CO2e per year, by the carbon footprint analysis considered the relevant “life cycle” phases of the box, including: Raw material, Raw material transportation, Manufacturing of the box, and Distribution of the box. Details as attached Appendix 1.
2. ZEO® Carbon Neutral and Verification Process: a. Carbon Footprint analysis nd calculations: via the simplified carbon footprint model and data provided by ClearCarbon and Wal Mart, CJCHT/TMIT will assist supply chain corrugated companies to measure and manage associated carbon footprint (in a reduced manner) of the production order for corrugated boxes. b. Carbon Credit purchase: the required Carbon Credit to offset the carbon emissions per product order of ZEO® corrugated boxes will be purchased on open market by bidding for either the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CERs) or independent voluntary standards (VERs); a report of retired carbon credit usage to either end customer or the production plant will be issued by CJCHT/TMIT with certified and legalized number by CERs or VERs. c. Carbon Neutral and Labels: the retired or used VERs or CERs carbon credits to offset the associated corrugated boxes will be labeled via ZEO® stamp (as attached Appendix 2) with proper indications and legalized numbers hereon for due diligence check.
3. Q&A:
(1) What is “Carbon Neutral?”
Answer: “Carbon Neutral” or “Carbon Offset” refers to achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference. ZEO® Carbon Netural further refers to reducing energy and material used in the corrugated boxes and offsetting the residual amount by a less number of carbon credits as a goal.
(2) What is the difference between normal corrugated boxes and ZEO® boxes for Carbon Netural?
Answer: Due to the light weighted and less energy used nature of ZEO® boxes, it is certified and exercised transparently that ZEO® boxes can provide a more cost saving scheme in pursuits of Carbon Netural practices. The ZEO® Carbon Footprint model provides a faster, easier and efficient calculation on Carbon Footprints and therefore facilitates the whole process of Carbon Netural, while providing numerous check-and-balance, order-by-order legalized numbers in place for accumulation and improvement later on.
(3) Is the certification and legalization process used by ZEO® Carbon Netural “credible”?
Answer: Yes. And it’s probably more credible than you can imagine. Unlike some Carbon Netural companies claiming a past-recorded offset and carbon neutral for probably several years’ ago emissions, ZEO® Carbon Netural is aiming at Current and On-going emissions generated per order base and is offsetting them by each true and genuine *CERs or *VERs carbon credits with transparently retired or used records. *the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CERs) and independent voluntary standards (VERs).
*the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CERs) and independent voluntary standards (VERs).
納米石® 碳足跡技術認證與”碳中和”紙箱供應鏈介紹+問與答
背景介紹: 曦爵集團公司要求供應鏈進行碳足跡分析,以”科技力”破局,引進納米石®低碳技術,低溫生產省能源,少紙包裝省資源,一舉榮獲客人及第三方雙認證的”永續發展”殊榮。
1. 納米石® 碳足跡(Carbon Footprint)分析: 經第三方美國清潔碳公司/沃爾瑪公司就納米石®瓦楞紙箱的生產技術,進行碳足跡模型及數據庫分析,作為標準化碳足跡簡易快速分析的基礎。驗證結果證明,納米石®紙箱生產工藝,在碳足跡分析紙箱 “生命週期”階段中”原物料、原物料運輸、紙箱的製造、紙箱的配送”等方面,節省了大量碳排放量。詳細內容,見附件之驗證報告。
2. 納米石® 碳中和(Carbon Neutral)標誌及流程: a. 紙箱的碳計算: 經由清潔碳公司/沃爾瑪公司所提供的納米石®紙箱碳足跡模型及數據庫,由 CJCHT/TMIT 免費協助供應鏈紙箱廠,計算紙箱訂單的碳排放量並發出碳排量評估報告,決定碳排放量 b. 碳中和所需碳權的購買: 由CJCHT/TMIT 就評估所需碳權數量,在公開市場進行標售,並公告通知供應鏈紙箱廠及客戶 c. 碳權使用及標示: 由 CJCHT/TMIT 就標售所得的碳權,製作該批紙箱所使用碳權的碳中和標章,並由生產工廠標示,出具該批生產紙箱之碳排放量於生產出廠時,已將碳排中和、具備零碳排的積極減排意義,積少成多,即知即行,立刻見效。 3. 問與答: (1) 何謂”碳中和” (Carbon Neutral)? 答: 「碳中和」(Carbon Neutral)是指透過一連串使用再生能源以及省能設備等措施降低碳排放量,並最終透過碳抵換(Carbon Offsets),購買抵銷無法減少之碳排放量,以達到溫室氣體的零排放,防止地球持續暖化的目標。 (2) 納米石®紙箱進行”碳中和”交易,與一般紙箱有何差異? 答: 納米石®紙箱可以提供更少的碳排放量,且附有經第三方分析認證的碳足跡模型和數據庫,可以作為標準化紙箱碳足跡分析的基礎,更快、更低成本的進行碳排放量評估,以便更進一步進行節能減排改善及碳中和流程的後續作業。 (3) 納米石®紙箱的碳中和的碳權使用和標示,有公信力嗎? 答:採用國際市場公認的平台及聯合國認可的一級碳權,可選擇符合*CERs 或 VERs 的規範,為最多人指定使用的碳權認證,並可查證驗收。